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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


  I recently read this article. It had to to with the death of Trayvon Martin. Because of this sudden flair of Trayvon's death, people have used hoodies as a way to synbolize avengance, feeling, and sympathy towards the death of Trayvon. However, in the UK hoodies are seen as a "ghetto" characteristic. Especially since in the UK riots of 2011 most of the young people there were wearing hoodies.Because of that, the UK thinks that the death of Trayvon was because he was wearing a hoodie.
  Some people that commented on this article were infuriated with what Geraldo Rivera said. He also thought that Trayvon's clothing had to do with his death. People thought this was messed up and thought it targeted Trayvon's ethnicity and minority group. He specifically made his point more towards Black and Latinos. I am offended by this coming from a Latino family, because everyone has worn a hoodie at some points in their lives. Referring only to Latinos and Blacks in their clothing is parrtially racist as he does not include other minority groups in this (Asians, Whites).
  Overall, I believe that there could be some racism hidden through all of this. As i said before Rivera thought that the problems with hoodies were the ones who are wearing it and targeted Latinos and Blacks. People who commeneted on this article were enraged at how he said that. What i liked best though, was that his own son talked against his father and his beliefs on hwo clothing and ethnicity is a part that can lead to death.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you and how sometimes the problem with hoodies they might refer to Latinos and not other groups such as other people from a different race.
